Payment Methods


For your simply and conveniently purchasing of our top quality replica luxury goods, we do accept several payment methods:

1. Western Union

2. Wise APP (Transferwise)

3. Bank Transfer (T/T)

4. Paypal (Must be sent as a GIFT/FRIENDS AND FAMILY)

5. Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, JBC)

⭐How to Pay By Western Union?

With more than 150 years of experience, Western Union is a global leader in money transfer services. It helps consumers and businesses send money quickly and reliably. For more information about Western Union, please visit the official website:

Before sending money, please contact us for our Western Union receiver's information.

NOTE:  Purpose of transaction: General Personal Remittance.

After sending money, please share with us the "MTCN" and the Western Union invoice.

⭐How to Pay By Paypal (must be sent as a GIFT/FRIENDS AND FAMILY) ?

You can contact us for our PayPal account to send payment (BUT we only accept payment of "sent as a GIFT/FRIENDS AND FAMILY", otherwise we will refund it). After paying, please sent a screenshot of the payment, your Paypal account and email.

NOTE: While paying by Paypal, please leave no any comments. Or we will cancel the order, thanks for your cooperation.

If for any reasons you have a problem with your payment, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Team who will be able to help you!